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Major alkaline flood basalts erupt over the Levantine Basin (LE) (207-203Ma, Segev (2005), associated with an unconformity of Norian to Hettangian age (Gardosh et al, 2010, 2011). Early Jurassic volcanism is interpreted on seismic over the Eratosthenes Plateau (EP, Papadimitriou et al, 2018). Rifting is propagating from Israel through Sinai into parts of the Western Desert (WD, Moustafa, 2020) and to the Sinai Shear Zone (SSZ, Moustafa et al, 2013) .
Rifting is established over the future Central Atlantic and Ligurian (Alpine) oceans (Handy et al, 2010). This requires initiation of the Azores-Gibraltar Transform (AGT). The intensit has somewhat decreased since the Carnian in the Newark (NE), Nova Scotia (NS), Atlassic (AT) and Streppanosa rifts (ST), though with a pulse in Morocco (Frizon et al, 2008, Escoca et al, 2021).
The distribution of CAMP (Central Atlantic) volcanics is after McHone (2000). On the American side, a magnetic anomaly is tied to the emplacement of widespread seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) (Davis et al, 2018). However, there are currently no reports of SDRs on the African margin north of Senegal. The weaker magnetic anomaly seen on the African margin (von Hinsbergen et al, 2020) lies in too proximal a position to tie to SDRs. More deep seismic studies may tell us that margins may turn out to be more complicated.
The ‘Karoo’ rifts are now inactive (Macgregor (2018). Over the Zambian and Tanzanian rifts, an unconformity is seen between Triassic and Late Cretaceous, capping inversion structures that increase in intensity to the SW. The lack of any displacement on Pleinsbachian dyke swarms suggests this inversion could be placed in this time period. This inversion could indicate a reversal of the STASS wrench faults.
First oceanic crust formation in the Eastern Mediterranean is likely initiated in late Early to early Middle Jurassic times. Eastern areas may open first. Horsts and grabens in the Levantine Basin (LE) trend NNE-SSW, implying transform movement along the Egyptian margin (Longacre et al, 2007: Le Pichon et al, 2019). At some point, extension is transferred from the Levantine (LE) Basin to the Herodotus (HE) Basin, leaving the Eratosthenes Plateau (EP) as a stranded block (Gao et al, 2020).
The model adopted for the opening of the Central Atlantic is that of Labails et al (2010), with first oceanic crust around 190Ma emplaced north of the Blake Spur only. SDR formation commences south of the Blake Spur (Trude, 2023).
A new phase of rifting commences over East Africa, preceding opening of the Somali Ocean, perhaps as early as Toarcian (Reeves, 2018). Macgregor (2018) interprets early syn-rift condition in the Pleinsbachian over rifts such as the Mandawa (MA) Basin of Tanzania, preceding the main syn-rift in the Toarcian. Early Jurassic rifts are also interpreted on seismic offshore Somalia (Davidson et al ,2018). Marine conditions transgressed in the Pleinsbachian as far south as southern Somalia, prior to a further transgression with salt deposition in the Toarcian (Macgregor , 2018), which likely reached Mozambique (INP, 2023). A major ‘Karoo’ volcanic episode affects southern Africa (Pevye 2015) , Antarctica and Tasmania in the earliest Toarcian (circa 179Ma). At 177Ma, volcanism began on the Mozambique margin (Mueller 2019) with the emplacement of seaward dipping reflectors.
Breakup of the Eastern Mediterranean is now well established. A large ?breakup unconformity is seen in A1-28, Cyrenaica (CY) separating Hettangian shallow marine and Callovian deep gravity deposits (D. Boote, proprietary work within Lynx GIS, 2010). A similar unconformity is interpreted on seismic on the Eratosthenes Plateau (EP, Papadimitriou et al, 2018). The Azores-Gibraltar transform (AGT) must remain active, with the geometry of the proposed system requiring the Gulf of Sirt (GoS) to be an extensional NW-SE trending rifted margin connecting two transforms. This is supported by assessments of the stress direction by ENI in this region (Bruno et al, 2024) and by the paleogeography over Sicily at this time (Di Stefano et al 2015). The different orientations of the Ionian spreading ridge to that off Israel and Egypt suggests that the Eastern Mediterranean is perhaps best treated as two oceans of slightly different age of initiation. This is supported by the Middle Jurassic age of flood basalts in Maltese wells (MA : Reeh and Aifa, 2008),
authors believe that the Western Desert (WD) rifts of Egypt were initiated at
this time (e.g. Moustafa,
, though Bosworth
(2022) does
not think this occurred till the Late Jurassic. These are reported to have a transtensional aspect (e.g. the Alamein Basin), which is speculated to tie to the period of
spreading of the Eastern Mediterranean (Bosworth
The analogue proposed is the relationship
of Honduran Borderland rifts to the spreading of the Cayman Trough (Sanchez
et al, 2016).
The Somali Basin is now opening, with oblique spreading extending to Tanzania and perhaps northern Mozambique (Reeves, 2018). A major transgression is observed in many of these basins around Bajocian times, which may mark break up (Macgregor (2018)). A volcanic margin is forming over the Mozambique margin. Figuerido et al (PESGB presentation, 2021) interprets first oceanic crust at 170Ma in the Angoche (AN) Basin and offshore Zambezi (ZA) , which was was abandoned in favour of more outboard spreading 10My later, leaving the Beira High (BH) as a stranded block. Rifting of the Agulhas Basins in South Africa may be commencing in the deepest half graben of the Gamtoos (GA) Basin (Mcmillan et al, 1997).
North Africa transform margin is now clearly developed (Handy et
al, 2010) as
the Central Atlantic and Ligurian oceans open. Passive rifting in the Western Desert (WD) continues
to propagate eastwards. The Jebel El Akhbar (JEB) and Marmarica (MA) Basins open, bounded by a dextral shear zone (Martin et al, 2008). The Central
Atlantic extends to Guyana (Trude, 2023).
NW-SE trending rifts are activated in Yemen, though exploration for extensions of these in Somalia has to date failed to find thick Jurassic sections (Purcell, 2018). Some small rifts in Sudan start to form, notably the Blue Nile (BN, Bosworth, 1992). A sharp switch to N-S spreading in the Somali Basin, initiates the Davie Transform (DFZ) (Pheathan et al, 2016 ; Reeves, 2018). Oceanic spreading is nowestablished off Mozambique with the Limpopo Fracture Zone (LFZ) probably connecting this to the Proto Weddell Sea (PWS). A transform-related rift is forming off the Angoche Basin of Mozambique.
A correlation of organic marine shales at Late Jurassic level between DSDPs on the Maurice Ewing Bank (MEB, Macdonald et al, 2003) to those in the Agulhas Basins (Mcmillan et al, 1997) fixes the relative positions of the African and South American plates. The first marine strata are encountered in the Gamtoos Basin in the Kimmeridgian but are not seen in the Bredasdorp (BD) Basin till the Tithonian (Mcmillan et al, 1997). This pattern could be fitted to a model of transform movement within the Late Jurassic bringing East Falklands Basin (EF) waters into juxtaposition with the Agulhas basins progressively from east to west. It may be that it is not the Agulhas Fault itself that is moving, but another to the north (Paton et al, 2023). Total Energies have also presented this fault in their conference presentations. The South Mozambique rifts (SMR, Salman and Abdulla, 1995) could also be related to a southern transform.
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